I'M StEeV N i'M BaK FrÓm Da NeZeR pOrTaL tO BiLd mY

NeW HoMe On Da SoLaNa WiD My PiCkAxE aNd YoUr

DiAmOnD HaNdS, wHuCh WiL HeLp Me FiGhT tHe

EnDeRDrAgOn n BeCoM Da MoSt FaMoUs AuTiStIc.

DeAtH AwAiTs AnY CrEePeRs jEeTeRs Wo TrY To BlOw Up Da ChArT.


  • Objective: Collect all coins and reach the portal to complete the game.

  • Controls: Use arrow keys to move; release keys to stop.

  • Coins: Collect each coin to increase your score.